Concepts of data

Concepts of data


of all data in the world has been generated
in the last 10 years

If you take a picture of someone,
you have "registered data".

Data is about recording and preserving "data"
Cultural expressions occurred from prehistoric times in the form of
written, painted, carved or sculpted artifacts. In addition to tools,
humans since prehistoric times also invented memory devices, or mnemonic tools.

Writing is considered a kind of memory device,
but so are printing, the worldwide web and even digitization.

secluded packet
of data (discrete data)

continuous stream of data

The mass of data we produce every day
is stored on digital memory devices

Computers don't understand "language"
or "graphics" or "sound"

Do you know what DIGITAL means?

O or 1

When you combine switches,
you can create logical circuits

All data that you enter into a digital system
is converted into
series of zeros and ones

We will look at three types of data:
text, pictures/film and sound

Each key on a keyboard is assigned a particular number.
An uppercase A, for example, is assigned the number 65.
Open link

  1. You tap a key on your keyboard.
  2. The key corresponds to a decimal number.
  3. The computer translates the decimal number into a binary number.

Digitizing images

RGB colors vary between 0 and 255

  1. A digital system places a "grid" (with x number of columns and y number of rows) over an image. Each box in such a grid is a pixel. 
  2. For each pixel, the value for the three basic colors is measured.
  3. For each pixel, the computer "remembers" 5 number data: the X position in the grid, the Y position in the grid, the value for RED, the value for GREEN and the value for BLUE.
  4. The computer converts those 5 numbers into binary numbers.

Digitizing sound

Measuring VOLUME and PITCH

Continuous stream of data

The sound of an audio CD contains no less than
44,100 measurements per second.