Digital tracks

Our digital traces 

When you are online, nothing is really private. All you have to do is visit a website or use your smartphone and information about you is being collected - information such as:

  • songs or plug-ins you've downloaded 
  • the technical configurations of your computer or phone 
  • addresses of previous sites you've visited 
  • your email address
  • your location on your phone
  • ...

Whether you're playing games on the Internet or using apps on your smartphone, it's easy to forget that others are collecting your personal information. Remember this every time you

  • create a new social media account to connect with others, 
  • shop online, 
  • take an online personality test or I.Q. quiz, 
  • completes an online marketing survey that promises points for participation, 
  • registers to download programs, games or plug-ins, 
  • visits a mall with your phone's Bluetooth or location settings enabled, 
  • uses an app on your phone
  • ...

Outdoors: Even when just walking around the street or inside a building, information about you may be collected:

  • you drive your car into a parking lot
  • you park in a shop-and-go parking lot
  • you drive your car and pass a lane check
  • you work somewhere and can only open a door with an access card
  • you make a payment in a store
  • you use your phone's GPS
  • you use your phone
  • you use your mobile Internet connection
  • ...

Also inside the housedata about you and your family can be collected: 

  • your smartphone with voice recognition is next to your bed
  • you use a bluetooth device
  • you watch a TV broadcast via a digicorder
  • you use the Internet via your WiFi
  • you use your smartphone to make calls or send text messages
  • you have a smart home assistant
  • you consume electricity or gas and you have a digital meter
  • you use a home automation system
  • ...
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