Data types

The columns or "fields" (a cell in a table) in a database table may contain a certain type of data: some may contain only an integer (called an "int" or "integer"), others a text ("string" of a configurable length), a date... These data types are also important in keeping the data compliant.

  • text, mediumtext, longtext: all data containing characters from a standard keyboard and not just numeric data
  • date. Data formatted under, for example, this form DD:MM:YYYY
  • time:  Data formatted under, for example, this form HH:MM:SS
  • datetime: Data formatted under, for example, this form DD:MM:YYYY HH:MM:SS
  • integer (=whole number)
  • float (=comma number)
  • boolean/tinyint (0 or 1). All data with only 2 possibilities
  • ....
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